
RRC Jaipur has declared various Jobs 2013


Railway Recruitment Cell, Jaipur has declared notification for the recruitment. Thus who intersted in this various jobs then you may apply it. Now applying process has started. So candidates submit your application before than 13rd January, 2014.

Railway Recruitment Cell is situated at Jaipur. Now they want's to well mannerd and eligible candidates.Thus at current time this is the golden chance to tack the job in governement place. So you may read this below news and apply in this various vacancies.

Details of Recruitment :
1. Traffic Khallasi/Points man: 117 Posts
2. Trackman: 423 Posts
3. Helper/Khallasi: 200 Posts
4. Helper/Khallasi/Safaiwala/H.A: 171 Posts
5. Gate Man: 06 Posts
Total : 917 Posts

Age Limit :
Prospects in between 18 years to 33 years for unreserved category, for SC/ST category in betweeen 18 years to 38 years, OBC category in between 18 years to 36 years.

Qualification :
Aspirants must posses Secondary examination or you also pass ITI in any education board or institute.

Selection Process:
Candidates will select on physically examination, medical test and written examination.

Application Fees :
Candidates should pay Rs. 100/- for other category and for SC/ST category fees expeted on payment of examination fees. You should pay application to online or offline mode.

Important Dates :
Sumbit your application form starting date is 14th December, 2013 and ending date is 13rd January, 2014. Last date for submit your application form at 28th January, 2014.

How To Apply :
All candidates required to apply online mode from official site of RRC. When you may submit your application form then you may tack one print or screen shot for any furhter required in future. Now you should follow this below links and apply in this various recruitment.

Click Here : Official Site 
Click Here : Apply Online 

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