
Commissionerate of Employment & Training Gandhinagar has various Jobs


Commissionerate of Employment & Training , Gandhinagar has declared various vacancies for Foreman Instructor post. Thus all interested candidastes apply it before the 13rd January, 2014. This is the best chance to tack the job in Government place.

Commissionearate of employment & Training, Gandhinagar is stay on Gujarat state. Gujarat state is growthfull state. Now they required eligible and educated candidates for this recruitment. So if you want to apply in this recruitment then you may read to below instruction and easily apply it.

Details of Vacancies :
Foreman Instructor : 127

Age Limit :
Prospects should maximum age on 31years. Age relaxation are available for SC/ST category and also available for handicap candidates.

Educdation Qualification :
You have possed Engineering degree from any incorporate institute or state act in India Or you also pass declared by section 3 Grants Commision act of 1956.

Experiance :
You had worked one year as a Supervisor in Engineering or technology field.

Pay Band :
Rs. 9300/- to 34800/- per month and grade pay Rs. 4400. Not available any allowence.

Knowledge of Computer :
You have know basis knowledge of computer or you also have certificate of basis information of computer.You have pass computer subject in SSC and HSC.

Application Fees :
You should pay Rs. 200 plus postal charge for other category and for SC/ST category pay Rs. 100 plust postal charge.

Selection :
Candidates will select on wrriten examination of O.M.R type. When you should go for examination then you may tack your paid fees chalan.You also discribe your contact number because if you not discribe your mobile number then they should truble with inform you of onother inforation of selection.

Important Date :
You should submit your application before the 16th January, 2014.

How to Apply :
Aspirants should apply online from official site of ojas.guj.nic.in. You must submit your application online mode and no any other ways for deposit your application. Now you should open this below link and read main notification of this recruitment and apply online. You should fill full application form and attach all required xerox copies and submit it.

Click Here : Official Site
lick Here : Official Notification
lick Here : Apply Online



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